UCD PhonLab Presentations at the 2024 LSA Annual Meeting in NYC!
Research from the PhonLab was well represented at the 2024 LSA Annual meeting in NYC! Five abstracts were accepted for oral or poster presentations!
- Nicholas B. Aoki & Georgia Zellou: Ethnicity-specific and -independent learning: Effects of guise on adaptation to novel foreign-accented talkers

- Michelle Cohn, Anne Pycha, & Georgia Zellou: Real versus imagined addressees: Prosodic differences across human- and device-directed speech

- Ashley Keaton & Georgia Zellou: Differences in social perceptions of (ING) across human and device voices

- Nynaeve Perkins Booker, Michelle Cohn, & Georgia Zellou: Linguistic Patterning of Laughter in Human-Socialbot Interactions

- Georgia Zellou, Mohamed Lahrouchi, & Karim Bensoukas: The perception of vowelless words in Tashlhiyt: Implications for Phonological Typology